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News & Cases from China: October 2018

Published on 03 Dec 2018 | 3 minute read


近日,北京稻香村食品有限责任公司诉被告北京苏稻食品工业有限公司、苏州稻香村食品有限公司商标侵权及不正当竞争案宣判,北京苏稻食品有限公司、苏州稻香村食品有限公司败诉,法院判决两被告自判决生效之日起10日内赔偿原告因侵害注册商标专用权行为造成的经济损失29,872,388元,因不正当竞争行为造成的损失100000元及为本案支出的合理费用27612元,各项费用总计30000000万。除此以外, 法院还判决两被告停止在“粽子、月饼、糕点”等商品上使用“稻香村、扇形图形”标识、停止在各电商平台等商品详情页中使用“稻香村、稻香村集团”标志等其他各种侵犯注册商标专用权的行为;停止使用“北京特产、扇形标志”等相关搭便车的不正当竞争行为;停止其虚假宣传行为,如显示“江苏省著名商标”等字样。

Defendants Ordered to Pay 30 Million Yuan (more than US$4,000,000) to Beijing Food Company for Trademark Infringement & Unfair Competition

Recently, the Beijing Intellectual property Court ordered the two defendant companies, Beijing Sudao Food Industry  Co.,Ltd, and Suzhou Daoxiangcun Food Co.,Ltd, to pay 30 million RMB  (approx. US$4,000,000) to Beijing Daoxiangcun Co.,Ltd.  The amount of compensation included losses caused by trademark infringement (RMB29,872,388  approx. US$4,302,221), unfair competition( RMB100,000 approx.US$ 14,402) and reasonable litigation expense(RMB27,612, approx. US$4,000).

The Court ordered the Defendants to cease all use of the Plaintiff’s trademarks and to cease engaging in unfair competition practices.


摩拜对青桔单车发起四项专利侵权诉讼 索赔800万元




Mobike brings Patent Infringement Against DiDi‘s Qingju Bike

The Chinese bike-sharing company Beijing Mobike Tech Co.,Ltd has brought four patent infringement actions against the ride hailing app operator, DiDi’s Qingju Bike in the Suzhou Intermediate Court. The Defendants in the four lawsuits are Beijing Orange Tech Co.,Ltd and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Hangzhou Qingqi Tech Co.,Ltd. 

The Plaintiff claimed that the two Defendants, without permission, had manufactured, used, offered to sell, sold or imported  products that fell within the scope of the patents. It sought an injunction to restrain continued infringement, an order for the destruction of infringing product, and compensation for economic loss in the sum of 8 million yuan (approx. US$ 1,152,160) in total. Judgment is awaited.





Mobile Game ‘Dream One Piece’ held to Infringe Copyright in ‘One Piece’ Animated Images and Plots

The famous Japanese manga comic series, ‘One Piece’, was created by the Japanese cartoonist Eiichiro Oda in the 1990s. In 1999, it was adapted by Toei Animation into an anime (i.e. a type of Japanese film and TV animation)  \also known as‘One Piece’. Toei Animation created animated characters based on the original black and white comics, and added some original characters and corresponding plots. On 1 July 2014, Toei Animation authorized Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. (BNEI) to adapt the anime work into an online "One Piece" game in China.

The Plaintiffs, Toei Animation Co. Ltd and BNEI, claimed that the Defendant, Beijing COM④LOVES Co., Ltd, had infringed copyright by producing a mobile game known as ‘Dream One Piece’ that used 214 animated character art works, some original characters, and plots from  ‘One Piece’.. They sought an injunction and compensation  for economic loss in the sum of 5 million yuan (approx. US $720,100).

A few days ago, the Beijing Haidian People’s Court held that the Defendant had infringed the Plaintiffs’ rights of adaption and communication through information networks and ordered it pay compensation of 3 million yuan (US$ 432,060).





China’s First Sound Mark Case – Court holds QQ Notification Sound capable of trademark protection

In China’s first sound trademark case, the Beijing High People's Court recently held that the ‘Di-Di-Di-Di-Di-Di’ notification used on Tencent’s popular QQ instant messenger app, is distinctive and capable of trademark protection

Tencent had originally applied to register the sound mark on 4 May, 2014. On 11 August 2015, the Trademark Office rejected the application on the ground that the sound was too simple and not capable of distinguishing Tencent’s services.  Tencent appealed the decision.

The Beijing High People’s Court held that although the sound is simply composed of the repeated element ‘Di’ its particular representation and rhythm makes it uncommon and capable of possessing some inherent distinctiveness.  Further, it has obtained distinctiveness as a result of Tencent’s extensive use. 

The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board was ordered to re-examine the registration application based on the Court’s judgment.

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