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      News & Cases from China: April 2020

      Published on 28 Apr 2020 | 7 minute read







      Shanghai Court upholds Copyright in Live Broadcast of Football Match – CCTV International Network Co., Ltd v Shanghai SynaCast Media Tech Co., Ltd

      In 2016, Shanghai SynaCast Media Tech Co., Ltd arranged for PPTV Network TV, a Chinese video streaming website, to set up a studio for broadcast of the European Football Championship: the UEFA Euro 2016. The studio background screen reproduced the CCTV (China Central Television) Sports Channel’s real time match broadcast. Before the event started, during halftime breaks, and after the game, it displayed technical statistics, commercial advertisements and other content.  

      The CCTV International Network Co., Ltd claimed that it had the exclusive right to broadcast the UEFA Euro 2016 matches online through the information network, and that Shanghai SynaCast Media Tech Co., Ltd had, without authority, provided the public with an online real-time broadcast of two UEFA Euro 2016 matches, thereby infringing its copyright and engaging in unfair competition. CCTV International Network Co., Ltd brought a copyright infringement and unfair competition action against Shanghai SynaCast Media Tech Co., Ltd, seeking compensation for economic loss and reasonable costs amounting to CNY 3 million (approx. US$ 422,029).

      After hearing the case, the Pudong New Area People's Court of Shanghai held that the broadcast of a live football game was capable of protection under the Copyright Law as a work created by a process analogous to cinematography. The Defendant's acts, which included displaying commercial advertisements and providing the public with a broadcast of the live football game without permission, did not constitute a reasonable use of the copyright work and, therefore, amounted to infringement. In this situation, the Anti-Unfair Competition Law cannot provide additional protection.    

      The Court ruled that, because the evidence showed that the actual loss of the Plaintiff, or profit derived by the Defendant, from the infringement obviously exceeded the maximum limit of statutory compensation, CNY500,000 (approx. US$ 70,382),  Shanghai SynaCast Media Tech Co., Ltd shall compensate CCTV International Network Co., Ltd CNY 2 million (approx. US$ 281,175) plus reasonable costs of CNY 150,000 (approx. US$ 21,088).

















      Supreme Court Decides in Michael Jordan’s favour in long-running trademark battle

      Michael Jordan has for years been involved in a trademark dispute with a famous Chinese sporting goods company, Qiaodan Sports Co., Ltd (‘Qiaodan Sports) in relation to that company’s use and registration of a range of marks that include a rough transliteration of the name Jordan (QIAODAN), in both Chinese characters and Roman letters; and the stylized figure of a basketball player. 

      In the latest decision, the Supreme Court has overturned two lower court decisions in relation to a ‘Qiaodan and Device’ mark comprising 乔丹 (Chinese characters for Qiaodan) and the stylized figure of a basketball player.  The Court held that the mark should not have been registered, and referred the matter back to the China National Intellectual Property Office (CNIPA). 

      Qiaodan Sports had applied to register the mark in question, (No. 6020578), in 2007, in Class 25.  Jordan had then filed a request to cancel with the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board of the State Intellectual Property Office of China (CNIPA’s predecessor). The Board decided in favour of Qiaodan Sports, and Jordan filed an administrative action with the Beijing Intermediate People’s Court.  That action was unsuccessful, as was a subsequent appeal to the Beijing Higher People’s Court.    

      The Supreme People’s Court has now overturned both earlier decisions and held that CNIPA should make a new ruling in the light of its ruling. 

      It found that Michael Jordan has a high reputation in China and that members of the relevant public usually refer to him as ‘Qiaodan’ (in Chinese, 乔丹).  Therefore, he enjoys legal rights in the name "乔丹".  Qiaodan Sports’ use of  "乔丹" in the trademark in question would be likely to lead the relevant public to believe that goods bearing the mark were connected to Michael Jordan, or had been endorsed or authorized by him.

      In relation to the silhouette image of the basketball player, however, the Court found that it was merely an image formed by a cucoloris i.e. a device that casts shadows or silhouettes. Apart from the general body shape, there were no personal characteristics relating to Jordan and he enjoyed no legal right or interest in the particular motion being portrayed: any other natural person could make an identical or similar motion. Since the logo was not identifiable as Jordan, the trademark logo did not infringe his portrait right (or right of publicity).  

      The Court further stated that Qiaodan Sports was well aware, when it applied for trademark registration, that Michael Jordan had an extensive reputation in China.  Such registration damaged Jordan’s prior name rights and contravened Article 31 of the Trademark law.


      许多消费者分不清“New Balance”和“NEW·BARLUN”两个品牌,因为两品牌读音相似,更重要的原因在于两家运动鞋的两侧都使用了仅存在细微差别的大写字母“N”。新百伦贸易(中国)有限公司以纽巴伦(中国)有限公司、赵某鹏构成不正当竞争为由诉至上海市浦东新区人民法院,索赔3000万元。

      法院经审理后认为,通过长期宣传和反复使用,已足以使相关公众将运动鞋两侧使用N字母装潢的商品与“New Balance”运动鞋相联系。该装潢有识别商品来源的显著特征,属于“有一定影响的商品装潢”,且该装潢在被告注册商标申请日之前已经形成“有一定影响”。原告、被告使用的两个N标识均是大写英文字母N。在隔离比对的情况下,消费者通常施以一般的注意力,两个标识在要素构成、视觉效果方面区别并不明显,细微差别不足以引起消费者的注意,二者构成近似。纽巴伦公司作为同业竞争者,在明知原告的鞋两侧N字母装潢具有一定影响的情况下,仍在其生产的同类商品的相同位置上使用近似标识,其攀附原告商誉、造成市场混淆的主观过错明显,客观上足以导致消费者对商品来源产生混淆、误认,构成不正当竞争。


      New Balance Successful in Unfair Competition Action Against New Barlun – Damages  Award of CNY 10.8 Million (Approx. US$ 1,518,133)

      New Balance Trading (China) Co., Ltd. brought an Unfair Competition action against New Barlun (China) Co., Ltd and Zhao in the Pudong New Area People's Court of Shanghai, claiming CNY 30 million (approx. US$ 4,217,036).  It claimed that many consumers are not able to distinguish New Balance from NEW · BARLUN, because the pronunciation in Chinese of the two brands is similar.  In addition, New Barlun has adopted New Balance’s use of the Letter N on its shoes.

      The Court held that as a result of extensive publicity and long-term use, members of the relevant public associated use of the letter N on the sides of sports shoes with New Balance. The letter N was a distinguishing features of New Balance’s shoes: it identified the source of the goods.  The differences between the style of the letter N used by both companies was not sufficient to overcome the likelihood of confusion or deception.  As a competitor of New Balance, operating in the same industry, New Barlun (China) Co., Ltd was well aware of New Balance’s reputation and had maliciously sought to take advantage of its popularity and goodwill.  It had engaged in unfair competition.

      The Pudong New Area People's Court of Shanghai ordered New Barlun (China) Co., Ltd to cease engaging in unfair competition, make public statements to eliminate the impact, and compensate the Plaintiff for economic loss and reasonable costs totalling CNY10.8 million (approx. US$ 1,518,709).





      Tencent Claims Compensation of CNY 49 Million (Approx. US$ 6,887,826) against Beijing Teddy Bear Mobile Company in an action for Unfair Competition

      On 7 April 2020, in its first online hearing, the People's Court of Chaoyang District heard an unfair competition action brought by two Tencent companies, Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Company Ltd. and Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited (‘Tencent’), against Beijing Teddy Bear Mobile Technology Co. Ltd..

      The Tencent companies claimed they owned the copyright, and relevant trademarks, in relation to computer software such as WeChat, QQ and other Apps, and that they had accumulated hundreds of millions of users, and established a high reputation, as a result of long-term and massive investment and operation. They claimed that the Defendant had altered the format of SMS messages sent during the normal operation of the Tencent software, by inserting links at the end of the SMS such as "free red envelopes" and "grab benefits" which would direct users to marketing content. Tencent claimed that the Beijing Teddy Bear Mobile Technology Co. Ltd. was deliberately taking advantage of Tencent’s well known APPs to make profits for itself, while deceiving and misleading users, who would believe that the relevant content of the SMS and the marketing interface was provided by Tencent or had a specific connection with Tencent. This was likely to affect the users' evaluation of Tencent and constituted unfair competition. Tencent brought an unfair competition action against Beijing Teddy Bear Mobile Technology Co. Ltd. seeking an order that the Defendant immediately cease the unfair competition; issue a statement to reduce its impact; and pay compensation for economic loss and reasonable costs totalling CNY 49 million (approx. US$ 6,887,826).

      A decision is awaited. 

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